How to Algorithm-proof Your Biz Part 2

Another sneaky algorithm hack

Last week I shared a killer way to affect the algorithm in your favour.

Did you try it? 

My goal is to help you future proof against the algorithms because they change on a dime + can drastically affect your flow on Instagram.

>> Dwindling likes
>> Lack of comments
>> Feeling like 

"is anyone even seeing my posts?!!!"

Truth is, that’s happening.

So let's fix that.

Here's a sneaky algorithm hack to try out this week:

Yeah boo, I got you.



The algorithm loves engagement full stop. By having people engage with your content on Stories it makes your account more significant and IG applies that love status towards your account. 

To get people engaging with your Stories, try these TWO things:

1️⃣ Polls // use polls to ask your fans questions because everyone LOVES to share their thoughts + opinions. This is a win win because you get to find out more about your community plus it positively affects your account

2️⃣ Tell a story // don’t just throw up 1 photo or video and be like “done!” Tell a bigger story. Give people a back door entrance to whatever it is you’re doing. Going grocery shopping? Show your empty cupboards, making your list, what your top 3 purchases always are (and ask them what their #1 must buy purchase is - remember the tip above ☝️), talk to them in the car about how shopping makes you feel + what you’re going to make first after your shop, do a sped up walk through of the aisles and, if you have kids, show the chaos of this, then a shot of the packed trunk full of groceries, then finally home + the packed cupboards. Take people on a journey!!

Hope that helps friend. Give those things a go and show that algorithm you mean business!
