Posts in Algorithm
Let's Talk Secret Weapons: Pinterest 

Everyone’s talking about it. Again. Pinterest! It was so 2012. And in 2019 it turns out it never left!  So what’s the big deal? Let’s unpack it.  

 You fall in one of these two Pinterest camps:

  1. Obsessed, or

  1. Still wondering what it’s worth beyond pinning wedding dresses and cute Kelpies (even though you’re neither getting married nor a dog-mom - yet)

 No matter which camp you’re in - this issue’s for you!


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How to Algorithm-proof Your Biz

ALGORITHM? (heard of it but not sure what it is?)

There are two things to know about Instagram. 

  1. There’s a powerful algorithm that controls it

  2. You have the power to impact it, in your favour

The ALGORITHM is this thing that seems to pivot on a dime and all of a sudden you see your likes dwindle, your comments disappear + you wonder if people are even seeing your content. 


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